Impact in times of corona

Wit mondkapje tegen lichtblauwe achtergrond

"We are proud of our people who have made a difference in the corona crisis"

Ed Brinksma

President of Erasmus University Rotterdam’s Executive Board

Dieuwertje Bravenboer

Our scientists have not been idle this year. In all faculties, from medical to economic to social, research was carried out into the causes and consequences of the corona crisis. Public debate was sought, new studies were launched and sustainable and concrete solutions for the future were devised.

Designing the society of the future is not an easy task. I call it today's design problem. As a university, we want to play an important role in this. It is our task to shape a healthier, fairer and more sustainable future. It is also our task to understand today's complex societal challenges and then contribute to solutions. The corona crisis is one such challenge.

In this dossier, we put some of these scientists and their contributions in the spotlight. On behalf of Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Executive Board, I would like to express my pride in those who have worked this year on relevant research with great societal impact.

From corona crisis to economic crisis
Are we heading for a new economic crisis?
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Society: more togetherness or more inequality?
Concerns and scenarios for a better future
Towards a better world
How can we drive a transition?

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