Green Transition

Solar panels

Sustainability in fashion industry

Behind the scenes in Dutch fashion

Paradise lost

Sustainable Tourism

Rotterdam's green gardens

Erasmus Alumni Portrait: Berend van Zanten

Research into sustainable solutions, energy transition and the influence of climate change is carried out at Erasmus University Rotterdam by scientists from a variety of disciplines. They work together on more sustainable forms of production and consumption, study the perception of global warming or conduct research on the sustainability of various sectors. This is how we work on Green Transition!

Our news on Green Transition

The Climate and Energy Transition

Global Social Challenges

Governance and Sustainable Behaviour

Research on Climate change and biodiversity loss

Onderzoekers in witte labjassen kijken naar jonge plantjes in hun hand

Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity

Working on sustainable prosperity

Fostering inclusive prosperity

Looking for solutions for sustainability issues?

Contact experts at our research centres and LLC's.

Sustainable initiatives of our students and employees

Erasmus Sustainability Hub

Moestuin op de campus

Contact our experts?

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Our experts on sustainability and energy transition

University-wide, we have professionals with knowledge on these themes.

The Erasmus University, Rotterdam Campus

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