Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Looking for an expert?

Many EUR researchers are studying the coronavirus (COVID-19) and its impact on society. Virologist Marion Koopmans (Erasmus MC) is for instance frequently interviewed on the virus. She is one of the world leaders in research on the spread of viruses. But also experts in the field of economics, law and sociology are studying the pandemic. In all faculties, from medical to economic to social, research is carried out into the causes and consequences of the corona crisis. 

Our researchers in the media about corona

  • People-driven COVID19 response in a Nairobi ghetto

    In an informal settlement in Nairobi, called Mathare, community-led organisations joined hands to develop a people-driven urban planning project: the Mathare
  • ‘As far as I am concerned, there must be a third support package’

    When Bas Jacobs looks at the economy and the current figures, shivers run down his spine. In a podcast by Brainwash, Jacobs tells us how he feels about the…
    Bas Jacobs, Bas Jacobs, Professor of Public Finance and Economic Policy at Erasmus School of Economics
  • When breathing is political

    When people are dying, from a global pandemic, poverty and/or racist brutality, what is the point of big and abstract words like ‘sustainability’, ‘justice’,
    Black woman with maks with text "I can't breathe"
  • ISS webinar on Covid-19

    Pandemic, poverty and power: Perspectives on in/exclusivity in cities
    Pandemic, poverty and power: Perspectives on in/exclusivity in cities - webinar screenshot
  • An uncertain future for KLM

    Billions of euros are being coughed up to help KLM. Floris de Haan, senior researcher in Air Transport Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, believes that…
    Portret foto Floris de Haan

Impact in times of corona

"We are proud of our people who have made a difference in the corona crisis"

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