
2241 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • prof.dr. (Eric) EGC Rassin
    Eric Rassin (1969) is Endowed Professor of Legal Psychology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the School of Law at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Prof. mr…
  • prof.dr. (Peter) PJ Prinzie
    Peter Prinzie is hoogleraar Orthopedagogiek i.h.b. diversiteit in opvoeding: determinanten en ontwikkelingsuitkomsten, bij het Department Pedagogische…
  • (Anniek) A Postema, MSc
  • dr. (Marike) MG Polak
    Dr Marike Polak is affiliated as an associate professor to the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies (DPECS) as a member of the Methods &…
  • dr. (Paraskevas) P Petrou
    job crafting, self-regulation, creativity, leisure behavior, organizational change
  • prof.dr. (Diane) HAEM Pecher
    See our lab website for research activities.
  • prof.dr. (Fred) GWC Paas
    Fred Paas is Professor and chair of the research group Educational and Developmental Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Education and Child Studies of…
  • dr. (Kim) KHR Ouwehand
    Kim Ouwehand is an Academic Researcher at the Department of Psychology of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • dr. (Mark) MMAC van Ostaijen
    Mark M.A.C. van Ostaijen is as Assistant Professor affiliated to the Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS/ ESSB) at Erasmus University…
  • dr. (Marloes) ML Nederhand

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