
2239 search results in English in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences


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  • Requesting documents and statements
    If you wish to authorize a third party to pick up a document in your name, you should fill out and hand in an authorization form.
  • EUR in an overview
    What is studying at Erasmus University Rotterdam like? What kind of facilities are available on campus? These might be questions that come to mind.
  • Safety and security
    Emergency? In case of emergencies on campus Erasmus University, call: +3110 408 1100 In case of emergencies off campus, call: 112 (the national
  • Healthcare
    During your time as a student, you might feel the need to talk to someone other than friends in your immediate surroundings or you might have medical problems.
  • Student organisations
    Student organisations make a positive contribution to the university and its community including dozens of student-organisations.
  • Work while you study
    Looking to gain work experience through a part-time job or internship during your studies in Rotterdam?
  • Legal position
    As a student you are subject to different types of regulations on education and examinations, guidelines and of course the law.
  • Rules, guidelines and regulations
    The rules, regulations and procedures for students of the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • Re-enrolment
    Re-enrolment for the same study programme via Studielink for next academic year is available from April until 31 August.
  • Bachelor Open Day
    Sign up for the Bachelor Open Day of Erasmus University Rotterdam on Saturday 5 October 2024!

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