Dimitra Maria Palaiologou

Dimitra Maria Palaiologou
It is an irreplaceable experience to learn from the very best and also cultivate interpersonal connections.

Dimitra Maria Palaiologou

LL.M. Student International Arbitration and Business Law 2019-2020

My name is Dimitra Maria Palaiologou, and I am both an American and Greek citizen. I grew up in the United States, and later moved to Greece, Scotland and the UAE. I obtained my LL.B. at Université Paris-Descartes, Sorbonne University.

Having an international background, I wanted to specialize in a graduate programme that would enable me to pursue an international career. The Netherlands, and in particular Erasmus University, has a renowned reputation in academic excellence and an international outlook. Moreover, arbitration had always intrigued me due to my past work experience, so choosing Erasmus University and enrolling in International Arbitration and Business Law was a natural choice for me.

The LL.M. programme on International Arbitration and Business Law of Erasmus University is an intensive and demanding programme and the curriculum prepares the students excellently. Teaching is done by leading professionals in the field of international arbitration, therefore raising the standards and expectations which in turn inspires us, students, to excel. It is an irreplaceable experience to learn from the very best and also cultivate interpersonal connections. Erasmus University caters to the needs of its students and provides us with several professional opportunities. One of which is the Willem C. Vis Arbitration Moot competition. Being among the 5 students to be selected to represent the University in this prestigious global event was an amazing experience. I was able to apply the knowledge I acquired through my studies and expand my exposure to international arbitration. I strongly recommend any student, especially in arbitration, to try out for the team!

An important factor in choosing the right LLM programme is location. I had never been to Rotterdam before, so I didn't really knew what to expect. I was very happy to find out that Rotterdam is a beautiful, warm and welcoming city and Erasmus University reflects these qualities in the best way. Rotterdam, having a major port, plays a significant role in the Netherlands and offers a rich cultural environment for its visitors and residents. Rotterdam’s history blends well with modern life and the city is full of unique architectural designs. Its public transportation system makes navigating around a breeze and despite the heavy workload I was able to enjoy the city’s vibrant nightlife.

Looking back, I feel that I made the right choice selecting Erasmus University for my LL.M. studies. Life in Rotterdam has been very special to me. I was able to grow in many ways and my time at Erasmus University was filled with knowledge and valuable experiences. What made it even more special though, was sharing these experiences with people from different countries, people that I have been lucky to call friends. They filled my life with fun and loving memories.

Finally, my advice to a future student would be to make the most of your time in Rotterdam grabbing any opportunity Erasmus University offers in order to fully experience your life as a graduate student. Be proactive, manage your time wisely and most importantly enjoy yourself, as I did!

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