Lost and found objects

Students on campus Erasmus University Rotterdam

Lost and found items on Campus Woudestein should be reported or handed in to the Hospitality Desk at Sanders Building (ground floor).

The Hospitality Desk of Real Estate & Facilities registers and stores all the items that have been found and handed in and any items that are left unattended. If you have found or lost something at ISS, please contact the ISS Reception Desk.

Storage period

Clothing will be stored for a maximum of 4 weeks; other items (depending on their value) will be stored for no more than one year. During that period, the owner can collect the items from the Hospitality Desk if they provide valid proof of identification.

Reporting lost and found items

Please hand in any item you have found at the Hospitality Desk in Sanders Building (LB-029) as soon as possible. The owner might still be on the premises.

Contact information

Email address
Phone number
010 408 1036

Opening hours

Monday - Friday:
Saturday - Sunday:

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