Research Projects

Foto van Europese vlag
  • Foto van Erasmusbrug
    Network of Excellence of Training on HATE (NETHATE)

    The Network of Excellence of Training on HATE (NETHATE) consortium, which was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks grant in 2020, brings together an interdisciplinary team of leading scholars of hatred from a dozen European universities and cooperates with governmental agencies, as well as non-academic private partners, including Google and a number of NGOs and civil society partners. 

    Project leader for Erasmus School of Law: (Jeroen) JD Temperman.

  • European Court of Justice
    Towards sustainable cost and funding mechanisms for civil litigation in Europe

    At the heart of effective access to civil justice lies litigation funding and cost management. Access to civil justice has been under pressure due to retrenching governments, high costs, and procedural inefficiency. The Vici project will assess new pathways to civil justice funding and cost schemes, with a view to developing a balanced financing system, thereby securing access to justice in Europe.

    Project leader: XE (Xandra) Kramer.

  • Fort Port
    Focusing on the Right Things in the Port of Rotterdam (FORT-PORT)

    FORT-PORT aims to provide better insight into how criminal organisations involved in cocaine trafficking and human smuggling operate in and around the port of Rotterdam. These insights will enable governance actors to intervene proactively and thus prevent related violence and harm. We aim to shed light on the bottlenecks and success factors in the existing public-private partnerships in the port and stimulate exchange with other ports. Funded by Dutch Research Council (NWO) Knowledge and Innovation Covenant.

    Project Leader: prof.dr. (Karin) CG van Wingerde.

  • Logo of Erasmus School of Law
    AI Multi‐Agency Public Safety Issues (AI MAPS)

    AI MAPS focuses on the ethical, legal and social aspects of AI (ELSA) development and application - to prevent the solution from being worse than the problem. This project’s 20 partners across academic research, government, business, and civil society will create a mutual-learning ecosystem of quadruple helix agents to responsibly guide the growing use of AI applications. Together, they will combine their knowledge, experiences and perspectives to produce ELSA guidelines to best meet diverse citizen needs and an investment framework that will provide guidance on what kinds of AI applications are worth investing in. Funded by Dutch Research Council (NWO) Synergy Theme Artificial Intelligence.

    Project leader: prof.dr. (Gabriele) G Jacobs (ESSB), prof.dr. (Evert) EF Stamhuis, LLM and prof.dr. (Klaus) K Heine.

  • Logo Erasmus School of Law
    Cross-border Corporate Mobility in the EU (CbCM)

    The CbCM project, founded in 2017, collects empirical data on cross-border mergers, divisions, conversions and the setting up of SEs to enable fact-based legislation making in European corporate law. It further focusses on data science in relation to data-scraping, database engineering and data analytics and visualization, with the objective to contribute to the furtherance of data science applications in economic and social law.

    Project leader: dr. T (Thomas) Biermeyer.

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