As a researcher, I consider myself to be primarily a policy sociologist. Policy is based on the basic assumption that humans can be influenced. Taking a closer look, we see that the theoretical assumptions that underlie policy instruments often prove to be incorrect or remain implicit or uncorroborated. Consequently, policy measures often have unintended consequences because users or target groups attach different meanings to policy instruments than policy makers or scholars had hoped for or assumed. I primarily assess the assumptions underlying specific policy measures, how these assumptions are connected to the motives and interests of the policy subjects, and what happens if the policy subjects do not act in accordance with the presuppositions underlying policy instruments. My research of the last few years focuses on the legitimization and implementation of health and safety policy, asylum policy, and crime and terrorism fighting.
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
More information
- Peter Mascini (2024) - Paradigmaverschuivingen in het denken over de aanpak van misstanden in mondiale productieketens door het bedrijfsleven: De kledingindustrie als casus
- Nina Holvast, Willem-Jan Kortleven, Paulien de Winter, Nienke Doornbos, Marc Hertogh & Peter Mascini (2024) - Introductie: Recht in het echt - [link]
- Nina Holvast, Willem-Jan Kortleven, Paulien de Winter, Nienke Doornbos, Marc Hertogh & Peter Mascini (2024) - Recht in het echt: Empirische inzichten voor juristen - [link]
- Peter Mascini (2024) - Uitvoeren van empirisch onderzoek naar het recht - [link]
- Chiara Natalie Focacci, Peter Mascini & Romke van der Veen (2024) - Understanding the dynamic of government expenditures for disability and other social benefits: Evidence from a Lotka-Volterra model for the Netherlands - Quality and Quantity, 58 (4), 3403-3415 - [link]
- Peter Mascini & Nina Holvast (2024) - Does delegation of drafting duties to law clerks result in judgments that show lack of confidence in terms of writing style?: A stylometric analysis. - Journal of Law and Courts, 12 (1), 110-131 - doi: 10.1017/jlc.2023.10 - [link]
- Peter Mascini (2024) - Benaderingen in empirisch onderzoek naar het recht - [link]
- Muhammad Asif, Don Weenink & Peter Mascini (2023) - Engineering Vengeful Effervescence: Lynching Rituals and Religious Political Power in Pakistan - British Journal of Criminology, 63 (6), 1441-1459 - doi: 10.1093/bjc/azac106 - [link]
- Peter Mascini & Karin van Wingerde (2022) - Reform and the inspection encounter: How micro-practices compromise meso-policies
- Peter Mascini (2022) - Literatuuronderzoek Responsive Regulation: Voorbij de handhavingspiramide
- Peter Mascini & N Doornbos (2021) - Roldynamiek binnen juridische professies - Recht der Werkelijkheid, 42 (2), 3-15 - doi: 10.5553/RdW/138064242021042002001
- P (Peter) Mascini (2021) - Choosing a strategy in researching family group conferencing: The unavoidability of making trade-offs
- Peter Mascini (2021) - Annoteren van assumpties als lokmiddel voor juristen - Recht der Werkelijkheid, 42 (1), 111-115 - doi: 10.5553/RdW/138064242021042001009
- Peter Mascini (2020) - Utility maximizing judges and judicial assistants: Testing rational choice theory in 22 EU countries
- Peter Mascini & Nina Holvast (2020) - Explaining Judicial Assistants’ Influence on Adjudication with Principal-Agent Theory and Contextual Factors - International Journal For Court Administration, 11 (2), 1-18 - doi: 10.36745/ijca.357 - [link]
- Nina Holvast & Peter Mascini (2020) - Is the Judge or the Clerk Making the Decision? Measuring the Influence of Judicial Assistants via an Experimental Survey among Dutch District Court Judges - International Journal For Court Administration, 11 (2), 1-19 - doi: 10.36745/ijca.358 - [link]
- Fatih Deyneli & Peter Mascini (2020) - Utility maximizing judges and judicial assistants: Testing rational choice theory in 22 EU countries - International Journal For Court Administration, 11 (2), 1-15 - doi: 10.36745/ijca.361 - [link]
- Peter Mascini & Romke van der Veen (2020) - Editorial: The privatization of work-related risk control - Zeitschrift Für Sozialreform/Journal of Social Policy Research, 66 (3), 195-206 - doi: 10.1515/zsr-2020-0009 - [link]
- Chris Reinders Folmer, Peter Mascini & Romke van der Veen (2020) - Evaluating social investment in disability policy: impact of measures for activation, support, and facilitation on employment of disabled persons in 22 European countries - Social Policy and Administration, 54 (5), 792-812 - doi: 10.1111/spol.12579 - [link]
- P (Peter) Mascini (2021) - Reform and the Inspection Encounter: How Micro-Practices Compromise Meso-Politics (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - P (Peter) Mascini (2021) - Recht der Werkelijkheid (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activity: Publication Peer-review › Academic - Peter Mascini (2020) - In the shadow of the judge: part II Is the judge or the clerk making the decision? (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Peter Mascini (2020) - Choosing a research method: the unavoidability of making trade-offs (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Peter Mascini (2020) - Efficiency, quality and legitimacy of employing judicial assistants in courts globally (Follow-up workshop) (Participant)
Activity: Attending an event › Academic - Peter Mascini (2020) - Webinar (Participant)
Activity: Attending an event › Academic - Peter Mascini (2020) - Webinar Law, Democracy and Welfare (Participant)
Activity: Attending an event › Academic - Peter Mascini (2019) - Lecturer Research methods (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Peter Mascini (2019) - Policy Sociology: A Personal Account (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Peter Mascini (2019) - Presentation Choosing a Research Strategy (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
- P (Peter) Mascini (2022) - Literatuur onderzoek Responsiviteit
De Raad voor de rechtspraak
- Start date approval
- March 2024
- End date approval
- January 2026
- Place
- Description
- Lid beg cie ond. uithuisplaatsingen kinderopvangto
Research Design 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
4.2 Governing economic activity
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWS-420
Empirical Legal Studies
- Year Level
- bachelor 1, bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RD118
Empirical Legal Studies
- Year Level
- bachelor 1, bachelor 1
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RR118
2.4 Research Project
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- ESSB-S2070
1.8C International Law and Regulation
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- FSWC-1080