Andre den Exter (1966) received a PhD degree in law since 2002. The title of his dissertation was “Health care law-making in Central and Eastern Europe: Review of a legal-theoretical model”. Since then, he has been appointed as lecturer in health law at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He teaches several courses on Dutch and International health law topics.
His main research interests focus on human rights and health care access, pharmaceutical law, health insurance law, European health law, and international treaty law and health care.
Den Exter is a founding member of the Erasmus Observatory on Health Law and coordinates the Observatory's annual Summer school on Health Law & Ethics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. On behalf of the Observatory, and sponsored by the KNAW and ERACOL Eramus Mundus, he organized similar events in Indonesia (Universities of Bandung and Surabaya) (2009 -2011) and Panama (University de Panama)(2011).
More information
- André Den Exter (2024) - Bringing Climate Change to Strasbourg. the Convention and Healthy Environment Claims - European Journal of Health Law, 31 (2), 153-170 - doi: 10.1163/15718093-bja10119 - [link]
- Andre den Exter (2023) - Social Health Insurance and Health Care Access in Europe - [link]
- Andre den Exter (2023) - Covid-19: the inequality virus.: Towards a more fair and equal allocation of vaccines
- André den Exter (2023) - Obstetric Violence: Sterilisation without Consent. The Case of <i>Y.P. v. Russian Federation</i> - European Journal of Health Law, 30 (5), 551-560 - doi: 10.1163/15718093-bja10111 - [link]
- Andre den Exter (2023) - Verplichte anticonceptie in de gesloten jeugdhulp - Nieuwsblad RGDispuut (Verenigingsblad Rotterdams Gezondheidsrecht Dispuut) - [link]
- Andre den Exter (2022) - An Obsolute Health Act and the Rise of a Patients' Rights Act in the Netherlands: Lessons to the Ukraine? - doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-05690-1
- Andre den Exter (2022) - Health Law: A Transatlantic Dialogue: David Orentlicher & Tamara Hervey (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Health Law (2022). - [link]
- Andre den Exter (2022) - Frauderende kaakchirurg voor de tuchtrechter - [link]
- Andre den Exter (2022) - Verplichte vaccinatie - [link]
- André Den Exter (2021) - Mandatory Vaccination in Child Daycare and Its Relevance to COVID-19: Vacinação obrigatória em creches e sua relevância para a COVID-19 - Portuguese Journal of Public Health, 39 (2), 72-73 - doi: 10.1159/000518139 - [link]
- Andre den Exter (24 November 2023) - Is the supplier or manufacturer liable when placing a lethal cough syrup on the market?
- Andre den Exter (29 September 2023) - Speech is silver, silence is golden: Non-disclosure agreements still exist in the healthcare world
- Andre den Exter (30 August 2023) - The world is on fire: “Time for the European Court of Human Rights to take action”
- Andre den Exter (21 August 2023) - Healthcare fraud is a persistent problem; how do we combat healthcare scammers?
- Andre den Exter (15 August 2023) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam : Healthcare fraud is a persistent problem; how do we combat healthcare scammers?
- Andre den Exter (1 November 2022) - Innovative drugs “painfully reveal that the affordability of healthcare has its limits”
- Andre den Exter (28 October 2022) - -Erasmus University Rotterdam : Innovative drugs 'painfully reveal that the affordability of healthcare has its limits'
- Andre den Exter (25 July 2022) - Fraud with health care diplomas is getting to a problematic level
- Andre den Exter (15 July 2022) - The role of disciplinary law within a professional group
- Andre den Exter (16 June 2022) - Drug trafficking and threats to criminals in healthcare institutions: it is time to change course
Regionaal Medisch Tuchtcollege Amsterdam
- Start date approval
- January 2025
- End date approval
- December 9999
- Place
- Description
- Lid-Jurist
Law, Health & Healthcare
- Level
- overig
- Year Level
- overig
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RMIN09
Research Lab Health Law
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RB59
International Health Law
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RL15
Thesis Master Health Law
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RS117
Disciplinary law
- Level
- master
- Year Level
- master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- RT15