Three researchers of Erasmus School of Law receive Max Planck scholarship


The Max Planck Institute (MPI) for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law in Luxembourg has granted scholarships to Eduardo Silva de Freitas, Stefania Efstathiou, and Tony Burri, all attached to Erasmus School of Law. Silva de Freitas and Tony Burri are doctoral candidates at Erasmus School of Law, Efstathiou is researcher and tutor at the School. The MPI Luxembourg, funded by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, conducts interdisciplinary and collaborative research into European, International and Regulatory Procedural Law. By arranging academic exchange with foreign researchers, the institute assists young scholars in further advancing their research activity. 

The Max Planck Society operates multiple research institutes across Germany and abroad. All these institutes operate independently and autonomously, but in order to be part of the Max Plank Society, they all must meet the Max Planck Society’s excellence criteria. Every institute has its own focus and subjects. The Max Planck Institute in Luxembourg focuses on International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law. 

Silva de Freitas’ research will focus on the use of litigation crowdfunding as a support structure for legal mobilisation. Efstathiou’s research focuses on the very important principles of impartiality and neutrality of arbitrators in arbitration proceedings, seen in light of new technologies and their use and what kind of conflict of interest there might be in the future. Burri will conduct comparative and economic research into the regulation of so-called third-party funding of collective redress litigation.  

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