Successful Conference on ‘EU Financial Markets: East meets West’

Conference East meets West
Erasmus School of Law

On Friday, 16 November 2018, the European Research Centre for Economic Governance (EURO-CEFG) of the Universities of Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam and the Centre for European Economic Law and Governance at the University of Wrocław organised, together with the University of Warsaw, the leading EU think tanks Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) and Bruegel as well as the European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI), a high-level international conference in Warsaw on ‘EU Financial Markets: East meets West’.

In four panels, focusing on ‘Regional differences in financial intermediation: the eastern and western EU’, ‘The euro area and its neighbours – links and prospects for the financial sector’, ‘Social utility of the financial system:  the role of regulation and supervision’ and ‘Capital Markets Union: EU-wide capital market or regional consolidation?’, the conferen­ce participants discussed the main legal and macroeconomic implications challenges deriving from the disparities and similarities of financial markets in the East and the West.

The conference managed to attract an impressive list of distinguished experts not only from academia, but also from main institutional actors in the field of financial market regulation and supervision, such as the chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB) Dr. Elke König and the governors of the Polish Central Bank, Paweł Samecki, of the Czech Central Bank, Tomáš Nidetzký, and of the Bulgarian Central Bank, Nina Stoyanova.

On the speaker’s list from Erasmus School of Law were Prof. Kleis Broekhuizen, Dr René Repasi and Prof. Fabian Amtenbrink.

On Saturday, 17 November 2018, EURO-CEFG organised in cooperation with the Young Researchers Group of the European Banking Institute (EBI) an international young scholars workshop on the topics that were covered by the conference ‘EU Financial Markets: East meets West’. In this workshop, eight young scholars from several EU Member States could present their research to senior researchers that attended the conference. In doing so, EURO-CEFG brought not only high-level experts together but also connected them to the next generation of researchers in the field of financial governance.

Panel Conference East meets West
Erasmus School of Law

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