Students in the Spotlight: A Festive Degree Award Ceremony

Uitreiking bachelorbullen 2024

Last week, the auditorium of Erasmus University was bathed in red, transformed into the festive setting for the annual degree award ceremonies of the Law, Tax Law, and Criminology programmes at Erasmus School of Law. A beautiful hall, filled with graduates, proud family members, friends, and lecturers, set the stage for the ceremonies on 25th, 26th, and 27th November. It was a fitting and celebratory end to their studies, marking the beginning of a new chapter for our students, who are now ready to embark on their next challenge with their Bachelor's degree in hand.

Resilience and Pride
All three ceremonies were opened by Harriƫt Schelhaas, Dean of Erasmus School of Law, who addressed the many attendees with great pride. She highlighted the challenges the students had overcome and praised the resilience and achievements of the graduates.

Thesis Prize 2024
In addition to the awarding of 500 Bachelor's degrees, Han Kogel, Emeritus Professor of European Tax Law, presented the Thesis Prize 2024 to Ward van der Meijden for his Bachelor's thesis titled De gevolgen van de nieuwe Wet minimumbelasting 2024 voor de innovatiebox. The jury commended Ward's work: "The question of whether alternative tax incentive schemes are more effective after the introduction of the Minimum Tax Law 2024 is a highly relevant topic. The author presents a very clear picture of the Minimum Tax Law in his thesis, supported by various relevant references to domestic and international literature. He concludes that the tax benefits of the innovation box may be partially offset by the introduction of the Minimum Tax Law."

An Honourable Mention was awarded to Alexander van der Lijn for his thesis De kwalificatie van de arbeidsovereenkomst in het civiele recht versus het fiscale recht. The jury appreciated his clear approach to the complex subject matter and his well-founded conclusion that the differing objectives of both legal fields justify the retention of separate evaluation methods.

We look back with pleasure on a series of successful degree award ceremonies and thank everyone who contributed to making these festive ceremonies a success, including the indispensable support from all involved colleagues and the study associations Criminologie in Actie, Juridische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam, In Duplo, and R.F.V. Christiaanse-Taxateur.

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