“Selling suicide powder via Internet is very concerning”

Foto van Martin Buijsen

A 28-year-old man from Eindhoven has been arrested for large-scale sales of suicide powder via the Internet. He is currently being investigated for assisted suicide. Martin Buijsen, Professor of Health Law at Erasmus School of Law, spoke with RTL Nieuws about this worrying case.

At this time, the Dutch Public Prosecution Service (OM) is aware of six cases of suicide as a result of the consummation of this drug. However, the OM estimates that hundreds of people have purchased the powder. Buijsen: “It is very concerning, because vulnerably people might become a victim of these activities.” In his entire career, Buijsen has never heard of such a case. According to him, this practice is extremely unusual in the Netherlands.

Three years ago, Omroep Brabant already came across the vendor of the powder. Back then, Omroep Brabant tipped the OM about the suspect and his endeavours, unfortunately, they only recently managed to build a proper case against the man from Eindhoven. Up until recently, linking the suicides to the sale of his drugs was a serious challenge.

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