Prof. Matthijs de Jongh is Legal Expert of the Week

Photo of Matthijs de Jongh

Prof. Matthijs de Jongh is Legal Expert of the Week on the website of Mr. Online.

There, he spoke about his inaugural lecture, named Twee eeuwen tegenstrijdig belang, he told about his fascination for the history of corporate law, and he answered several personal questions.

You can read the whole interview on Mr. Online (in Dutch) here.

The inaugural speech of Prof. De Jongh can be downloaded below.


After Matthijs de Jongh finished his studies Ducth civil law and notarial law in 1999, he worked as a candidate civil law notary in Amsterdam, mainly focusing on company law. In 2005, he became a law clerk at the Dutch Supreme Court. He clerked for both Attorneys-General and Judges of civil chamber of the Supreme Court. During his clerkship, Matthijs de Jongh wrote his PhD on the history of the listed company, focusing on the in influence of shareholders. In 2014, he obtained his PhD (cum laude). His PhD was rewarded with a (shared) Elly Rood Prize (Erasmus School of Law). In 2015, he also won the Harry HonĂ©e Dissertation Prize, for the best PhD, defended in the Netherlands in the field of corporate and financial law between 2012-2014. In 2015, he joined the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, where he became an appellate Judge, focusing on corporate and commercial law. He combines his position as a Judge with Erasmus School of Law, where he became professor Company Law, with special attention to its historical development in 2018.

More information

You can read the whole interview on Mr. Online (in Dutch) here.

You can read the dissertation of Prof. De Jongh here.

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