On Monday 13 June 2022, Martijn Schippers, Assistant Professor of Customs Law at Erasmus School of Law, received the Dissertation award 2020-2021 Association for Dutch Tax Science. He was granted the award for his PhD thesis ‘Customs valuation in a globalized world’, which he defended on 1 April 2021 at Erasmus School of Law.
As a part of the award ceremony, Schippers presented the main conclusion of his PhD research. Last year, his work had already been published in the Fiscale Monografieën of Wolters Kluwer as a commercial edition.
This year, the award jury consisted of chairman René Niessen, Attorney General of the Supreme Court and Endowed Professor Formal Tax Law at Radboud University, Loek van Kalmthout, former Counselor of the Supreme Court, and Dirk Broekhuijsen, Assistant Professor of Tax Law at Leiden University. In their report, they stated that Schippers’ thesis “(…) provides insights in a unique and important field of law, and shows that improvement is desirable in many areas, if not at the core”.
Dissertation award
The Dissertation prize is awarded to the author of the best PhD thesis closely related to and essential for Dutch Tax Law by the Association for Dutch Tax Science. The award is granted once every two years according to a specific regulation. The award winner receives a cheque for €1.000 and a certificate. Additionally, the winner is invited to speak about their PhD thesis during one of the association’s general meetings.
Schippers looks back on a nice award ceremony: “It was a complete surprise that I was awarded this prize and I feel honoured to be the recipient of this edition. I am especially happy that, contrary to my PhD defense last year, I was given the opportunity during the ceremony to present my thesis and share the main observations and conclusions this time in the physical presence of family, colleagues and members of the association.”
- Assistant professor