Maritime & Transport Law alumnus Uchenna Amaefule wins the first Dutch Transport Law Association Best Thesis Prize

Uchenna Amaefule, alumnus of Erasmus School of Law, has received the first Best Thesis Prize of the Dutch Transport Law Association.

Uchenna’s thesis titled ‘Cross-Border Insolvency of Shipping Companies: Time for Nigeria to adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency’ was appraised by the jury for its well-argued conclusion, the clearly structured law comparison, and its legal writing style. Through his thesis, Uchenna hopes to persuade the Nigerian government to adopt the UNCITRAL Model Law.

The Dutch Transport Law Association (NVV) aims to promote the interest in and quality of public and private transport. As part of their activities, the Association organizes a Best Thesis competition for master students who have written an excellent thesis in the field of transport law.

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