‘Legal information skills of great importance in the digital age’

On 26 June 2019, Sanders Law Library organised a themed afternoon on legal skills in cooperation with the KNVI-JI. Seventy participants from the government, law firms and educational institutions attended the congress.

Host Björn Ros, head of the Sanders Law Library, welcomed the participants and introduced Ben Beljaars, assistant professor of Sociology, Theory and Methodology at Erasmus School of Law. Beljaars described the history and understanding of information skills. He also discussed this subject from an international perspective. Please find his presentation under 'Downloads'.

Leo van der Wees, the founder of Recht.nl and Openrecht.nl, gave the next presentation. He highlighted the subject from a more practical perspective. Van der Wees addressed issues such as whether (legal) journals are still relevant and whether all legal information is freely accessible in the future through open platforms. You can find his presentation under downloads.

After this, Björn Ros briefly spoke about the recently opened library. The Sanders Law Library has an extensive digital and hard copy research collection. Also, it holds an extensive collection, including special collections, such as maritime and insurance law. The library has more than three hundred study places. 

After the presentation by Björn Ros, there was a guided tour through the library. The afternoon ended with a network drink. 


Informatiemiddag Juridische Vaardigheden

Informatiemiddag Juridische Vaardigheden


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