Law, AI, and Regulation (LAIR) Conference

News conferece law ai and regulation

LAIR is an international academic conference with a preference for interdisciplinary and innovative approaches to ‘Law, AI, and Regulation’, spanning over two days, 8th and 9th of June 2023, at the EUR campus. The conference pays particular attention to the engagement of young researchers, along more experienced participants in the conference.

Call for papers

The advent of current and emerging digital technologies raises legal, ethical, and social disruption, which can be observed in various phenomena.  For instance, the large-scale collection of data leaves individuals unaware that data about them are being collected and their rights may be infringed; the advancement of AI technologies that employ autonomous decision-making causes legal and social disruption in situations where decisions may be inaccurate due to lack and quality of data, or unfairly target marginalized groups. Furthermore, challenges in identifying the accountable and responsible entities when mistakes occur cause traceability-related problems. Simultaneously, the autonomous nature of AI technologies enables them to have a regulative effect in society and interact with public interest, thus challenging the classic distinction between public and private regulation. To address and overcome these challenges, a closer look into the variety of perspectives that are relevant for regulation of AI, and the role of law thereof, is needed. We invite multidisciplinary and innovative contributions that explore and develop topics connected to the conference theme in various fields of study and perspectives, in law, ethics, sociology, computer science, and more. A variety of methods and methodologies are welcomed and encouraged. In particular, but not exhaustively, we encourage applications that touch upon the theoretical and empirical aspects of the following subjects:

  • The meaning and role of regulation in relation to law and technology; conceptual and theoretical models/frameworks on technology regulation.
  • Regulation by design: privacy by design; transparency by design; value-based design; rights-based approaches to regulation by design.
  • The role of public and private actors in regulation: self-regulation, co-regulation, and hybrid modes of governance.
  • Challenges with consent and explainability in regulation of AI.
  • Relationship between social values and technology regulation: legitimacy, participation, democracy, trust, and politics of regulating technologies.
  • Enforceability and compliance of technology regulation.
  • Computational law: the use of code-driven and data-driven law in relation to regulation by design.
  • Platform regulation and governance: content moderation and human rights.
  • The design and impact of regulation; the computational analysis of legal compliance; expectations of individuals on technology regulation.

About the conference

LAIR is an international academic conference with a preference for interdisciplinary and innovative approaches to regulation of AI, spanning over two days, 8th and 9th of June 2023, at the EUR campus. The conference pays particular attention to the engagement of young researchers, along more experienced participants in the conference. Besides a number of panels, the conference hosts a keynote speech by Prof Gillian Hadfield from University of Toronto, along with a special event designed particularly for young researchers.

The conference is supported by the Erasmus Graduate School of Law, the focus areas of the Dutch Sector Plan for Law Rebalancing Public & Private Interests, the Erasmus Centre of Empirical Legal Studies, and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Digital Governance.



Deadline for abstract submission (500 words)

February 12

Notice of acceptance and invitation to conference

February 27


Submission of paper draft (ca. 4000 words)

May 31


Conference date

June 8-9

Full paper deadline


TBD in agreement with publisher


Please send your abstract submission, along with a short bio of the (co-)author(s) to:

Financial aid

There will be limited funds available to cover accommodation costs for two nights for selected participants.

Publication of conference proceedings

Conference proceedings shall be published in an international peer review journal or as an edited volume, to be specified after the conference.

Please direct all inquiries to

Download the call for papers.

Download the preliminary conference program.

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