The European Commission has officially signed the grant agreement for EXCENTRIC, a Horizon Europe project led by Erasmus University Rotterdam, which will commence in February 2025. The project aims to drive the digital transformation of Europe’s Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI), with a focus on live music, festivals, theatre, and museums.
EXCENTRIC (Excelling Human-Centric Collaborative Ecosystems for Smart Digital Transition in CCSI) will operate over the next three years with a budget of €3.5 million, developing Collaborative Data Practices through six pilot programs across Europe. These pilots will empower organizations in the sector to adopt data-driven innovations in areas such as programming, pricing, and audience engagement. By fostering a human-centric approach and promoting the adoption of digital tools, the project aims to break down silos and encourage ecosystem-wide innovation.
The academic team behind the project is led by Izabela Derda, Erik Hitters, and Ellen Loots from the Erasmus School of History, Communication, and Culture, with the involvement of Enrique Santamaría Echeverría from the Erasmus School of Law.