Law Out Loud

‘Law Out Loud’ is a podcast that aims to turn the tables between senior and junior researchers. In every episode of the podcast, a PhD researcher - a junior academic - gets the opportunity to explain their research to a senior academic and expert in the same field. The senior academic - in turn -  seeks to learn from the junior, and contribute related insights from their own research.

The topics in the series cover legal responses to new social, economic and technological developments. These range from consumer protection under new business models, to the rise of high frequency trading in the stock market, and the use of online dispute resolution.

This podcast series is produced with the help of a grant of €5,000 by the Erasmus Graduate School of Law awarded to Georgia Antonopoulou, Sophia Paulini, Josje de Vogel and Liam Wells who submitted the idea to produce a legal podcast to the 2019 ‘Call for Ideas’ competition and who are acting as the producers of the series. The producers wish to thank the EGSL for enabling the podcast series.  

Six episodes of Law Out Loud are scheduled for production.

Listen to the podcast here

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