Session: Closing alumni panel

A panel consisting of four media and communication alumni will share the insights of their work during this session. They also prepared good tips for current students to embrace their future career. Students will have the opportunity to interact with the panelists.


  • Kaspar Pascal Holznagel
    Communication Executive at PIABO PR (Former IBCoM student)

    The air is getting thinner, and voices are screaming louder - communication is growing in a high voltage field?!

    Kaspar Pascal Holznagel is a Communication Executive at PIABO specialising in strategic communication and PR in Deep Tech industries. Kaspar graduated with a BSc in International Communication and Media (Rotterdam) and an MSc in Strategic Communication (London) with focus areas in Reputation Management and Thought Leadership. As the founder of the Uncultured Schwein project, he dedicates himself to his passion for transmedia storytelling, technology and webcomics.

  • Georgie Olivier
    Digital Communications Manager at Kekkilä-BVB (Former M&B student)

    I have worked for quite old-school companies that are slow to even recognise communications as an essential part of their organisations, but when the pandemic we were very quickly deemed a necessity.

    My name is Georgiana Olivier but feel free to call me Georgie. I have a Bachelors in Communications and Media and a Masters in Media and business, both of which I was lucky enough to obtain at Erasmus University. I worked predominantly in the NGO world for the 5 years of my career as Communications Assistant at the International Water Association and, later, as Communications Manager for the International Solid Waste Association. I have recently returned to the corporate world and joined Kekkilä-BVB, a sustainable horticultural company, as their Digital Communications Manager.

  • Maxime Botz
    Team Lead Engagement and Support at Deliveroo (Former M&CI student)

    In my opinion, the pandemic has reshaped the media and communication field in the way that the focus has shifted from online/offline to online communication. We've become more digitally oriented.

    Hi! My name is Maxime, I’m 28 years old and living in Rotterdam. In 2012 I started at the EUR with my Bachelor’s degree ‘Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen’ and spent four months in Milan. I continued with my Master’s degree ‘Media & Cultuur’. While writing my thesis, I became acquainted with the wonderful world of television and after graduating I started working at NEP The Netherlands, a facilitating media company. Currently I’m working at Deliveroo as Engagement and Support Team Lead, where I’m responsible for keeping riders who work with Deliveroo engaged, through partnerships, good communication and great support. In my free time I love to cook, bake, sing and go out for food.

  • Parel Blonk
    Marketing & Campaign executive at VVD (Former IBCoM student)

    The pandemic has made it more difficult for brands to connect with their consumer base, or in our case our voters. With a hybrid form of campaigning and marketing, there is an even bigger importance on personalized and targeted communication in order to build a relationship with your audience.

    I am Parel Blonk, a former Media & Communication, and Marketing Management student. I graduated in 2020, in the height of the pandemic, and spent the first 6 months of my job entirely through zoom. As a marketeer, I am currently working on national political campaigns for the VVD, the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, in The Hague. My job includes media buying and planning, e-mail marketing, advertising, and consumer research. I love to combine insights from consumer behavior and psychology with data in order to create effective and creative campaigns. I would one day love to own a marketing agency, and to create a Christmas commercial that makes people cry.

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