Session: Media, Culture & Creative Industries

In this session, we will discuss how the pandemic has reshaped the Media & Creative Industries. Théotime Pelsy will share with you his experience of organizing festivals like IFFR, Roffa Mon AMour and Dutch Design Week. He will also openly discuss how his study at ESHCC prepared him for the job market.


  • Théotime Pelsy
    PR & Communications at WORM

    Media allowed us to foster a sense of friendship and unity during the pandemic, the social value  of online interactions became increasingly meaningful and precious”.

    I am Théotime Pelsy, a former Master Student in Media & Creative Industries. You might have seen me around festivals like IFFR, Roffa Mon AMour and Dutch Design Week or I might have poured you a beer at Kaapse Maria. I love films, new adventures, and making friends along the way. With this parallel session, I hope to foster hope and positivity within your minds.

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