
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Reading Suffering
    An empirical inquiry into empathic and reflective responses to literary narratives This PhD-project addresses the reasons for and the effects of reading about…
  • Journalism and the Tensions of Neoliberal Democracy
    Chile is a society of contradictions. One of the most stable democracies and successful economies in Latin America, it is also an increasingly depoliticized and…
  • Constructing Cultural Authority
    The Online and Offline Evaluation of Popular Music and Fiction Books Traditionally, critics from traditional media had a central function as ‘gatekeepers of…
  • Curator-in-residence
    Els Jacobs is Curator-in-residence at the Rotterdam Research Centre Modern Maritime History. Read more on this page.
  • Full-professor in Economic History and International Relations
    Hein Klemann is Full-professor in Economic History and International Relations and member of the Research Centre Maritime History. Read more on this page.
  • Curator of Academic Program
    Jeroen ter Brugge is Curator of Academic Program at the Research Centre Modern Maritime History. Read more on this page.
  • General Information
    The Research Centre Modern Maritime History studies the history of Dutch shipbuilding, the port of Rotterdam and its links with the hinterland and Dutch offshore
  • Electives of ESHCC
    Students of other programmes and universities can follow electives at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Have a look at the options.
  • Social Media and its Impact on College Students’ Trust in China
    As the world’s biggest Internet user, China has quite active environment for social media. Since the increasing emergence of social media such as forums, blogs,…
  • Symbolic Struggles in Changing Cultural Hierarchies
    How is status distinction practiced and negotiated while cultural hierarchies and symbolic meanings are changing?  Despite plenty of research on cultural…

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