
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


You are now searching in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.

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  • Student Advisors
    Here, you will find the contact information of ESHCC's student advisors.
  • Internship Office
    Here, you will find the contact information of the ESHCC internship coordinators.
  • Programme Coordinators
    Here, you will find the contact information of ESHCC's programme coordinators.
  • Dispute Committee Employees
    Following the introduction of the Act on the Normalisation of Legal Status of Public Servants (Wnra), the Universities of the Netherlands have adopted the Se...
  • Scheduling Office
    Here, you will find the contact information of ESHCC's Scheduling Office
  • Sponsors
    The sponsors of the SSN 2022 conference.
  • Useful links Studying with a functional impairment
    Here are some links to pages that you’ll find useful if you have an impairment and are about to start a study programme at the EUR or are already studying.
  • 10 tips for effective studying
    10 tips for effective studying: 1. use a day planner; 2. routine is key; 3. where do you study best?; 4. eliminate task avoidance; 5. study actively; 6. take a
  • 10 tips to stay mentally fit
    10 tips to stay mentally fit
  • History Academic Staff
    On this page you can find contact details for the History department of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC).

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