
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Global History Research Cluster
    The Global History Research Cluster (GHRC) analyses global flows and networks from a historical perspective. Read more on their work on this page.
  • Digital Vigilantism
    Visibility as a tool for social change and social harm Digital media enable citizens to hold fellow citizens accountable, often resulting in shaming and…
  • Information Security
    Erasmus University Rotterdam promotes secure use of IT facilities: "Safe Online – Make it happen!" Safe Online – Make it happen! Important information like…
  • Publications and Media
    Publications Work in Progress paper: Who belongs to the Nation? Sport, Migration and Citizenship Changes. Have the Olympic Games become more migratory? A…
  • Mapping Privacy and Surveillance Dynamics in Emerging Mobile Ecosystems
    Practices and Contexts in the Netherlands and US Mobile technologies and devices enable you to keep an eye on your neighbourhood via a WhatsApp group, to…
  • Erasmus+ Grant
    For an Erasmus+ grant you have to be; a registered EUR-student; selected for study exchange at university in participating countries
  • #EE2020
    The Entertainment-Education Strategy in the New Media Landscape The Entertainment-Education (EE) strategy uses popular media to reach and entertain large…
  • Impression Management on Gay Dating Apps in China
    Impression Management on Gay Dating Apps in China The use of gay dating apps in China has grown remarkably in recent years. China's biggest gay dating app…
  • About the project
    The interrelation between citizenship, nation and state has been called into question over the last few decades. Transnationalism, multiple and flexible…
  • Study switch
    You face important decisions at various points in your life. One of these is choosing a study. You may previously have chosen a programme, but was this the righ

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