
2572 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Judith Siegel
    Judith Siegel (1979) is PhD-student at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communications at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and takes part in the…
  • Mark Straver
    Mark Straver (1990) is a PhD-candidate who researches the Dutch shipbuilding industry in the Netherlands between 1945 and 1983. His research aims to explain the…
  • Secure Hospitals
    The project aims to raise awareness on cybersecurity risks and to improve digital skills of personnel in healthcare settings. EUR’s role is…
  • What do we do?
    Our goal is to provide insight into the coherence of sciences, contribute to a social sense of responsibility, and to contribute to cultural and social
  • Media & Communication students and internships
    ESHCC is always looking for organisations interested in hosting students for a work placement. How can our students benefit your company? Read about it here.
  • Arts and Culture students and internships
    Arts and Culture students from the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication can make a valuable contribution to your company during an internship.
  • History students and internships
    History students from the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication can make a valuable contribution to your company during an internship.
  • Anouk Griffioen
    Erasmus University Rotterdam has purchased some works from Anouk Griffioen. Her work was shown during the exhibition 'Natur' in 2018 in the Erasmus Gallery. She…
  • ESHCC PhD Club
    Want to submit a blog post? color-2 Got something to write about? Share it with us to get it posted!
  • PAC Projects
    On this page we provide an overview of the events our Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) organises. For more information about the PAC itself, please visit…

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