
1592 resultaten in het Nederlands in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.


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  • (Hilde) HB Harmsen, MA

    Hilde Harmsen studied History of Society at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Human Geography at the Utrecht University. Her MA thesis is titled Verf en…
  • prof.dr. (Pauwke) PPL Berkers

    Pauwke Berkers is full professor Sociology of Popular Music, specifically in relation to Inclusion, Well-Being, and Resilience in the Department of Arts and…
  • dr. (Laura) LE Braden

    Laura Braden is an Assistant Professor at the Departments of Arts and Culture Studies and Media and Communication of Erasmus University Rotterdam. In addition,…
  • dr. (Mijke) M Slot

    Mijke Slot is assistant professor of Media and Communication at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her…
  • prof.dr. (Alex) AA van Stipriaan Luiscius

    Alex van Stipriaan Luïscius (Gent (B), 1954). Most people know me as Alex van Stipriaan only, which is also my author’s name. I am professor emeritus of…
  • dr. (Julian) JCF Schaap

    Julian Schaap (Rotterdam, 1988) is assistant professor sociology of music at the Department of Arts and Culture Studies. His research focuses on stratification…
  • prof.dr. (Gijsbert) G Oonk

    Gijsbert Oonk holds the endowed (Jean Monnet) chair: Europe in Globalizing World: Migration, Citizenship and Identity. This chair promotes education and…
  • dr. (Jason) JH Pridmore

    Jason Pridmore is the Vice Dean of Education for the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication and an Associate Professor in the Department of Media…
  • dr. (Isabel) I Awad Cherit

    The underlying concern of her teaching and research is an understanding of the conditions for democratic communication and social justice against a backdrop of…
  • dr. (Tina) JC van der Vlies

    Tina van der Vlies is an associate professor at the History Department of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL). Her current research 'Why school history…

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