
Student GHIR on campus

Please note: we will only communicate with you via email, using the email address you submit in Studielink at the beginning of the application process.

Therefore, please inform us (at immediately about any changes in your email address!

Further questions

You can find out who to contact about which matter in the chart below.



How to enrol in Studielink

How to arrange payment of your tuition fees

How to upload your passport photo

Erasmus Student Service Centre
Email with login details for Admission Portal not

Application procedure

Application documents

Status of your application

How to log in on the Admission Portal

Immigration procedures

Study programmeProgramme Coordinator: Leontine Hulzink

Contact information

Admissions Office

If you have any questions regarding admissions, then don't hesitate to contact our Admissions Office. Our admissions officers are happy to help you.

The Admissions Office can be reached by telephone at the following times:

Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 13:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00

Leontine Hulzink

Programme Coordinator History Department

Student Advisor (Pre)Master Programmes Media Studies, History & Arts and Culture Studies

Ruben van Gaalen

Ruben van Gaalen

For short questions, please send an e-mail to

If you would like to schedule an appointment, please send me an email too with a brief description of your question and a proposal for a specific time and date. 

Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.