Erasmus School of Economics

Based in Rotterdam, the School has provided excellent education and produced excellent research for over a century
Image of campus Woudestein

Gigantic takeover within the chip world?

Mary Pieterse-Bloem, Professor of Financial Markets at Erasmus School of Economics, discusses a potential takeover of Intel by chip company Qualcomm.

The European aging population is a creeping crisis

Casper de Vries, has been invited by BNR Nieuwsradio and Het Financieele Dagblad to talk about the aging population, specifically in Europe.
Casper de Vries

Student Bram Mesland participates in panel discussion at Miljoenenontbijt

Bram Mesland, masterstudent Econometrics, was asked to join the panel discussion at the VNO-NCW West Miljoenenontbijt.

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