Student Bram Mesland participates in panel discussion at Miljoenenontbijt

Mirjam Lems

Bram Mesland, masterstudent Econometrics, was invited to join the panel discussion at the VNO-NCW West Miljoenenontbijt in Rotterdam to discuss the government's new plans and budget for education. Other speakers included leading economic experts Barbara Baarsma, Peter Goedvolk, Ronald Paul, and Rotterdam’s mayor, Ahmed Aboutaleb.

A key focus of this year’s governmental spending bill is a significant cut to education funding. Mesland emphasised the importance of investment in research and education, citing his bachelor’s thesis as an example. ‘There are potential long-term gains, especially in labour productivity. However, the government's decision to make swingeing cuts to education contradicts this vision.’

PwC Chief Economist Barbara Baarsma and Port of Rotterdam COO Ronald Paul echoed Mesland’s concerns, agreeing that the government’s plans appear contradictory. ‘The government aims to boost productivity and innovation, yet is cutting funding to the very driver of productivity growth: education,’ Baarsma remarked.


Each year, VNO-NCW West organises the Miljoenenontbijt in different cities the morning after Prinsjesdag, when the Dutch government presents its annual budget. The event brings together politicians and business leaders to discuss the implications of the new financial plans.

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