Switching institutions

Building on campus

Are you switching your studies to Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) from another university in the Netherlands?

If you have a residence permit for study purposes that is valid for at least 6 months from the moment you start your studies at EUR, you do not have to apply for another residence permit. We do, however, have to let the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) know that you are switching institutions so that we become your new sponsors. Please send us the front and back of your current permit as soon as possible. 

Does your permit expire within 6 months and you intend to study at EUR past the expiration date of your current residence permit, you need to apply for an extension of your residence permit instead of following the switching institutions procedure. You can apply for an extension from two months before the expiration date of your current permit. Please send us the front and back of your current permit as soon as possible. 

Please note:

  • If you hold a residence permit for study purposes, your residence permit is only valid as long as you are enrolled as a student. So do not deregister from your current university. For more information about your situation, send us an email.
  • The switching procedure can only happen once the academic year has almost started as of the 1st of August. The extension case can only happen two months before the expiry date of your current residence permit.
  • Make sure to send the front-and back of your permit to immigration@eur.nl

The switching institutions procedure

  • Submit a copy of your current residence permit (front and back) to immigration@eur.nl. Please always mention your name and student number when contacting us.
  • Upload the required documents for the switching institutions procedure in Osiris Student. In Osiris Student, go to ‘My Cases’ and click on ‘Changes to permit’. Then select ‘Switching Institutions’.
  • As part of the application, you are asked to pay your financial means to cover your living expenses during your studies at EUR. More information can be found on the page about immigration costs.
  • Make sure to pay your tuition fee before you submit your immigration application.
  • By submitting the application for the switching institutions procedure in Osiris, you authorize EUR to inform the IND about your switch. Please keep in mind that we can only proceed to notify the IND once your registration at EUR is complete and your tuition fees and living fees have been paid.


If you come across any problems or have any questions, you can always email immigration@eur.nl.

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