
Polak gebouw buiten.

Below you will find more information about taking exams by subject.

Examinations at our campus start on fixed times: at 09:30, 13:30, and 18:30.

You can enter the Exam Centre no earlier than 30 minutes before the start of to the exam.

For all information about exam locations, you can retrieve the information through Osiris Student. You will then see in which room and in which block you are expected. A few working days before an exam, the exact location of that exam is published through this channel.

  • Bring a valid and physical ID (driving license, ID card or passport)
  • Bring some pens and pencils, an eraser and, if allowed, a calculator and possibly a reserve calculator. Make sure you have backups!
  • Do not wear shoes with hard soles for examinations so that you do not disturb fellow students when you enter and leave the examination hall. The ground floor is made of stone.
  • Mobile phones, smart watches and any other (potential) communications equipment must be turned off during examinations and kept in your jacket or bag.
  • Make sure you write your name and student number on every piece of paper you hand in.

The physical exams are held in the Exam Center (S-building). Find the floor plan here; the Exam Center is located in E 3.

The complete exam rules can be found at the bottom of the page. Some of the most important rules are summarized below:

Mobile phones and watches

The mobile phone should be switched off and stored - not on the body - from the start of the exam. Use of mobile phones and other electronic communication devices during (online) exams is  prohibited (unless used as a second camera). Violation of this paragraph may be regarded as suspected fraud and submitted to the Examination Board for a decision. Watches (including smartwatches) and digital wireless earphones are not allowed during the examination. They must be stored in a bag and out of sight before entering the examination room.

Visiting the toilets during examinations

It is not allowed to go to the toilet during the first hour and the last half hour of an examination, except in very special (medical) circumstances, requested in advance by the student to and assigned by the examination board. One toilet visit per physical examination is allowed per person, with no more than one person being allowed at the same time per block. The toilet visit must be reported to the block invigilator and his/her instructions must be followed. Prior to and during a toilet visit, the invigilator may check students for the presence of mobile phones/smartwatches by using mobile detection devices. Wearing mobile/digital communication devices (on the body) results in a fraud endorsement.

Late arrival

For both physical and digital examinations, it is still possible to start the examination up to 15 minutes after the start of the examination; after that no more, unless invigilator 1 in consultation with the examination organisation gives permission for late participation in the examination, due to demonstrable serious collective (traffic) nuisance. Permission for late participation does not entitle the student to a later end time of the examination. The decision that an examination cannot be taken due to late arrival cannot be appealed.

Asking questions

At the beginning of each examination, at least one examiner (teacher) will be present in one of the rooms where the examination will be held for at least thirty minutes. Only in exceptional cases this may be deviated from, if the teacher can be reached immediately for consultation (via Microsoft Teams). It is also possible, if enabled by faculty, to communicate via the chat function in the assessment system.

If you cannot show valid identification because it has been stolen or lost, you must report this in good time via the ESSC or at your faculty. You must always be able to show the request for reporting from the authorities such as the embassy, police or municipality. It is important that you can take the examination on the day of the exam because the invigilator1 has a printout of Osiris (with signature/stamp) issued by the examination organisation. 

Online Exams

Examinations are taken physically on campus. In a very limited number of exceptions, it is possible for some programmes to take an exam online (with online invigilation via Online Proctoring). This is only possible if you have already submitted a request at least 2 weeks prior to the examination AND only if your request has also been approved by the programme's examination committee. Please note, this is not possible for all courses. For more information, consult your programme's info via the links below:

If your request has been approved and you will soon be taking your exam online, please see 'Downloads' below for further instructions and useful tips.

Take notice!

Make sure you have installed Microsoft 365 (Word and Excel) on your laptop and used it once before starting your ProctorExam. You can download the Microsoft 365 applications Word and Excel for free with your ERNA account via https://portal.office.com. Click on 'Install and more' at the top right. You can read more about the MFA login process on the site. The detailed manuals for installing the programs can be found in the 'Downloads' section below.

Below you will find more information about signing up for each topic.

The regular registration period for all examinations within the EUR taking place at Campus Woudestein begins 26 working days before the written examination and ends 5 working days before the examination. Registration for an examination is done via OSIRIS. The day on which the examination takes place is not counted when calculating the registration period. Registration on a given day is possible until 23:59. 

Calculation example regular period:
For example, if your exam takes place on January 31, the registration period for this exam runs from December 27 at 00:01 am (26 working days before the exam) to January 24 at 23:59 pm (5 working days before the exam).

For almost all standard written exams (and resits) at EUR, you can only register for examinations via Osiris Student within the stipulated registration period. Once you have done this, you will always receive an email stating that your examination registration has been confirmed by the university. Please keep this email until your result has been published in Osiris. If you do not receive a confirmation email, you should assume that you have not been registered for the examination.

Via Osiris Student

Too late?

You cannot register for exams via Osiris Student outside the registration period. Please contact your faculty if you are not registered for your exam or see: registering outside the registration period.

  1. Make sure that you are enrolled as a student of the programme for the examination you wish to sit. Click here to be directed to our page about enrolling for programmes.
  2. Make sure that you are enrolled as a participant of the course for the examination you wish to sit in Osiris Student.
  3. In the Course and Examination Regulations (OER) of the programme for the examination you wish to sit you will find the official rules regarding examinations. Check whether and to what extent you comply with these rules. Each OER contains a section or chapter about (sitting) examinations.
  4. If you still are unable to register for an examination during the registration period, we will be happy to help you. Contact the ESSC.

During the registration period, it is also possible to deregister for examinations. You can arrange this easily in Osiris Student. This way, you will not receive the “not present” entry in your student file and Osiris Student. Also, we'll know that another student can use your reserved workspace. 

Students at the following faculties cannot make use interim deregistrations for written examinations:
- ESL bachelor- and master students.   

Firstly, you need to submit a request to the Examining Board of the faculty at which you are registered. Based on your disability, the Examining Board will determine whether you are eligible to sit written examinations in the above-mentioned locations and for how long the approval will be valid. For more information about this subject, please visit the following webpage

Firstly, you need to submit a request to the Examining Board of the faculty at which you are registered. If you are registered are two faculties, you must submit a separate request to both faculties. Based on your disability, the Examining Board will determine whether you are eligible to sit written examinations in the above-mentioned locations and for how long the approval will be valid.

If students have permission to take exams in the designated rooms, they are automatically registered for these rooms after registration in Osiris. 

Please note that if you register late until two working days before an examination, you can still use the extra facilities. If the late registration falls within the two working days before an examination or on the day of the examination, the right to extra examination facilities will be lost.

Examinations for students with provisions take place in separate rooms at Woudestein Campus. More information can be found on Osiris Student.

The starting time in the separate rooms for students with provisions is equal to that of the regular exams. The end time is half an hour later than the regular exams.

The exam rules for examinations in the smaller rooms for students with provisions are exactly the same as the standard exam rules.

Participants who have permission to sit examinations in the smaller rooms designated for students with provisions are not allowed to sit the examination in the other rooms. It is not possible to reserve two places. 

Establishing the rules for written examinations is one of the tasks of the Examination Board of a study programme or faculty. The Examination Board publishes the rules in the Rules and Guidelines or as part of the Course and Examination Regulations (OER). To ensure that all of the EUR's examinations are administered in a similar manner, general agreements have been made with the Examination Boards concerning the rules for written examinations. You can download those agreements here.

EUR Examination Rules 2024-2025

When cancelling exams because of extremely bad weather conditions, one can think of a very heavy storm, black ice or heavy snowfall. Situations that make it very dangerous to go out on the streets of the Rijnmond region, cause long traffic jams, disrupt train traffic and seriously disrupt examinations because many students do not arrive at their examinations or arrive far too late. Practice shows that in such situations, confusion occurs when exams go ahead anyway and also when exams are cancelled. 

The guiding principle is that exams will be cancelled if KNMI issues a weather alarm (code red) for the Rijnmond region in the run-up to one or more exams. Examinations will not be cancelled because of a KNMI pre-alarm (code yellow and code orange).   Weather or traffic alarms issued by organisations other than KNMI do not lead to examinations being cancelled. 

As soon as a weather warning has been issued, the examination timetable is checked to see which examinations are scheduled for that day, and for which programmes. These examinations will be cancelled and this will be communicated in the following manner. 

Note: A different procedure may apply for exams in Medicine.

The cancellation - applicable to the examination on the EUR campus/external location, but also to the examination taken via online proctoring - is announced via Osiris Student. This is because in Osiris, the room allocation is removed, so the student no longer sees a  location via Osiris Student. Where possible, students will receive an e-mail or text message about the cancellation. If the Executive Board has already published an overall news item, the notification via the other channels will be cancelled. However, the room allocation in Osiris will be removed.

The cancellation of examination(s) due to a malfunction or calamity also means that a new date must be set as soon as possible. The faculty (programme management and/or examination committee) takes the initiative and consults with the education office (scheduler) of the programme(s) concerned and possibly the lecturer(s) on the available date. After this, the examination organisation is contacted as soon as possible and a suitable time/location is sought together.  In principle, the new date will be no more than two weeks after the original examination date. In order to be able to plan as well as possible, it is important that faculties communicate structurally to students that they must be available during examination periods and thus take any holidays at their own risk. The new date is communicated by the relevant faculty (scheduling officer) and by the examination organisation through regular channels.

Do you have a complaint about an examination and/or the course of events during the examination? You can file a complaint via the ‘Legal position’ website.

Flu and/or pandemic

Please check the website of the Dutch Government for more details:

We expect students to act responsibly and professionally by following the guidelines of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and not attending on-campus exams if they are unwell.

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