The documents below state the rules and conditions you must fulfill in order to keep your residence permit and to study in the Netherlands. It also tells you more about the obligations of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (your recognized sponsor).
Residence permit & study progress (MoMi) (N/A exchange students).
The Modern Migration Policy Act (MoMi) is the Dutch immigration law. It requires all non-EU/EEA students with a residence permit for study purposes at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) to achieve sufficient study progress (50%) every academic year. The Erasmus University Rotterdam, your recognized sponsor, is obliged to make sure that you as a student meet the requirements in order to maintain your residence permit.
Every year, we will monitor your study progress and report to the IND in case you did not obtain the required 50% of credits and no exceptional personal circumstances as referred to in Article 7.51 WHW and Article 2.1 of the WHW Implementation Decree (Dutch: Wet op Hogeronderwijs en Wetenschappelijk onderzoek) are the cause of the student’s insufficient study progress.
Study progress monitoring is a condition by virtue of Article 4.20 lid 1 sub e of the Aliens regulation 2000 (Dutch: Voorschrift Vreemdelingenwet 2000) as referred to Article 6.5 and 6.6 of the Code of Conduct for International students in Higher education.
- Bachelor students please note:
Erasmus University Rotterdam uses a binding study advice (BSA) system for all bachelor programmes. The BSA requirement gets priority over the 50% requirement of the study progress monitoring policy. So make sure you know what this entails. - Premaster students please note:
A premaster may never exceed one year. If you cannot continue to a Master program after that year and no personal circumstances were reported, your residence permit will be cancelled.
Read more about study progress.
Take your responsibility
We will remind you of the study progress condition, but it’s your own responsibility to keep track of your study results and in the case of personal circumstances, schedule an appointment with a student advisor and student counselor.
Time frame
The academic year runs from the 1st of September until the 31st of August. After each academic year, the EUR, will determine your annual study progress.
Insufficient study progress results in deregistration, and your residence permit may be revoked. Consequently, we are no longer your recognized sponsors and cannot apply for a new residence permit for you or extend your residence permit. This means you will have to apply for a different type of residence permit, change to a different institution in the Netherlands or leave the Netherlands.
Be aware that if you wish to switch to a different study program within the Erasmus University Rotterdam you still need to obtain at least 50% this year.
There are several legal obligations and conditions that apply to students who have a study residence permit. If you no longer fulfil the conditions of your study residence permit, your sponsor (Team Immigration (EUR)) is obliged to report this to the IND. The IND can decide to withdraw your study residence permit.
- Being registered at the city hall within 4 months upon arrival;
- Having an active enrollment at the university as a full-time student or exchange student;
- Meeting the requirements of the Study progress monitoring each academic year;*
- Having sufficient funds of income for both the living fee and tuition fee.
- Living fee needs to be transferred to our bank account when we apply for a new residence permit. You must provide a statement of income each academic year, upon request, you should also provide us with a bank statement.
- Pay your tuition fee before the start of each academic year. Failing to pay your tuition fee, could result in a deregistration of your residence permit.
- As a student, you have your own information obligation. You must report important changes to your official sponsor such as changes in your main residency or changing universities.
The IND and Team Immigration (EUR) checks whether you comply with these obligations and conditions as long as you’re holding a valid EUR residence permit. The EUR will only become/remain your official sponsor and send the application to the IND (first application, extension, switching or change or purpose) if you meet all the requirements. This also means we will check whether you have sufficient funds of income for both the living fee and the tuition fee.
The EUR will inform the IND if you’re not meeting the requirements for your study permit anymore, which results in the withdrawal of your residence permit. We are no longer your official recognized sponsor. It’s your own responsibility to meet the conditions for your study permit.
More information about studying in the Netherlands can be read here.
* N/A for exchange students.
* First-year BA students at EUR need to obtain all 60 ECTS to fulfil the requirements of the Binding Study Advice (BSA) at EUR! This BSA requirement gets priority over the 50% requirement of the study progress monitoring policy.
The Code of Conduct International Student in Dutch Higher Education is a joint initiative of the Dutch government and higher educational institutions and came into effect in May 2006. The result is an instrument of self-regulation. The Code of Conduct intends to contribute as a quality tool to the ambitions of the Dutch government and the educational institutions regarding internationalization as a means to turn the Netherlands into an attractive destination for knowledge and development.
The Code of Conduct contains agreements which (the umbrella organizations of) the institutions of higher education have developed to regulate the relationship with international students. The regulations are – for example – about the provision of information to international students and the minimum (language) requirements for admission to an institution of higher education.
According to Dutch immigration law, inclusion of an institution in the Register of the Code of Conduct is a precondition for attracting international students from outside the EU.
The Dutch government has decided that the signing of the Code of Conduct by the educational institutions is a precondition for granting residence permits to non-nationals of the EU/EEA or Switzerland for studying in higher education; By signing the Code of Conduct, the educational institution is obliged to comply with the obligations set out in the Code of Conduct and to act in the spirit of the Code regarding issues that are not covered by it;
You can read more about the admission requirements and our obligations as your educational institution on this website or download the pdf below.

The EUR is your recognized sponsor. As your recognized sponsor we apply for a residence permit on behalf of you at the IND. Being your recognized sponsor we have several obligations to meet such as providing information, keeping and retaining records, duty of care and making sure of the return of the foreign national. Failing to comply has consequences for the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Read more about our rights and obligations via the IND.
For more information on coming to study in the Netherlands, you can download the document from the IND below.