
96 results for research

  • International Business Law

    Master in International Business Law: This LL.M. covers the legal aspects of international trade and commerce. Read more about this study programme.
  • Maritime & Transport Law

    Master in Maritime & Transport Law: The programme provides you with thorough, in-depth knowledge of the dynamic world of maritime and transport law.
  • Arbeid, Organisatie en Management

    In this Dutch master specialization, you will learn to analyse public and private organisations from a sociological perspective.
  • Orthopedagogiek

    In this Dutch master's specialisation, you study problems of behavior, development and education in children and adolescents.
  • Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid

    If you decide to study this Dutch MSc, you will immerse yourself in current, social issues of contemporary cities.
  • Opvoedvraagstukken in een diverse samenleving

    This Dutch master focuses on current issues of child and adolescent development in a diverse society.

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