
113 results

  • Accounting & Financial Management

    Master in Accounting & Financial Management: This specialised master examines the role of accounting information in company performance.
  • Accounting, Auditing and Control

    This interactive master that covers all theoretical and practical aspects of collecting, using, and analysing financial data in organisations.
  • Analytics and Operations Research In Logistics

    This programme specialisation brings out the experts in logistics, supply chain management and workforce optimisation.
  • Applied History

    In this master specialisation, you learn the skills to analyse contemporary challenges from a historical perspective.
  • Arbeid, Organisatie en Management

    In this Dutch master specialization, you will learn to analyse public and private organisations from a sociological perspective.
  • Arts, Culture and Society

    Arts, Culture and Society offers a unique approach that integrates international insights into production, distribution and consumption of arts and culture
  • Behavioural Economics

    This programme provides you with the skills to optimise strategies and policies by including the framing and context that affect people’s choices.
  • Beleid en Politiek

    This Dutch master specialisation focuses on how to realise effective and legitimate policies in complex contexts.
  • Brain and Cognition

    The Master in Brain and Cognition covers topics such as attention, language, memory, knowledge, motivation and emotion. Click on this page for more information.
  • Business Analytics & Management

    The MScBA Business Analytics & Management study teaches you to understand, solve and communicate operational, tactical and strategic challenges from data in…

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