Teaching methods

International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies
IBACS student on campus

The three year Bachelor programme is taught exclusively in English. For most of the first year courses, you attend lectures and tutorials. The main outlines of different theories are treated in the lectures, then in groups of about 25 students you examine these in further detail. You complete each course with an exam, with assignments or a combination of both. In your second and third year you also attend research workshops and seminars where a particular topic is treated more in-depth. You complete the International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies with a bachelor thesis, under proper individual supervision.

Active way of learning 

In addition to the lectures you will follow tutorials. Tutorials consist of a small group of people, around 25 students per group, and allow you to have an interactive session with each other. In tutorials you are stimulated to apply the theoretical knowledge together with your other classmates and the teacher. Not only is this a more fun way to learn, you will also develop your argumentation style and become better in formulating your opinion. 

Study points

ECs stands for European Credits. With each course you can earn a certain amount of credits. One EC usually means 28 hours of studying per week. A course of 5 EC hence means to you are expected to spend 140 hours per term on the course.

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