At Erasmus University Rotterdam, several academics and research centers are studying sustainability issues. View some of the projects below or read the latest news about these studies.
Researcher Daphina Misiedjan about climate injustice

Lieselot Bisschop praat over de strafzaak van de PFAS-vervuiling

Prof. Dr. Harry Geerlings about how the energy transition is going in the port of Rotterdam

How big companies are struggling with their new role due to the energy transition
PhD research by Rick Bosman

"Gentrification of neighbourhoods cannot be separated from emerging tourism"
PhD research by Shirley Nieuwland

Paradise Found
Shirley Nieuwland starts online platform about travelling responsibly

Smart and innovative solutions to make the resident building sector sustainable.
Research Project BIM-SPEED

Erasmus Initiative: Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity
The Erasmus Initiative 'Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity' revolves around the question how as many people as possible can benefit from prosperity growth while minimising negative consequences. Increasing prosperity requires a continuous alignment of the changing interests and values of governments, businesses, citizens and entrepreneurs. To map this dynamic field, scientists from the Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and Erasmus School of Philosophy engage in a multidisciplinary collaboration.
The DRIFT-led European research project JustWind4All started, supporting the acceleration of on- and offshore wind energy, including emerging wind technologies like airborne and floating, through just and effective governance. This includes setting up 5 regional wind labs across Europe: regional testing grounds that use innovative approaches to tackle the main challenges of just and sustainable wind energy development.
Transformative research on sustainability
The Design Impact Transition (DIT) Platform at Erasmus University empowers radically new ways to do research, education and engagement for a just and sustainable future. From researching how universities can teach students to challenge and change the status quo, to exploring how transformative research can be institutionalised in academia.