Knowledge Clips Medical Psychology

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  • Requesters and project leaders: Hester van Eeren (EMC)

In 2021 project manager Hester van Eeren completed the CLI project Knowledge Clips in Medical Psychology successfully.

What's the project about?

To ensure that the application of psychological concepts are better embedded in the later professional practice of a doctor, we have briefly and concisely explained and illustrated the concepts in a knowledge clip, with an example of doctor-patient or doctor-doctor communication.

What educational problems are you trying to resolve?

Effective communication is provided by the Medical Psychology section in various classes/learning lines in the Bachelor and Master of Medicine. For Medical students, psychological theories and concepts do not always seem particularly relevant: they find it hard to link the concepts to practice.

By linking the explanation of a concept to a practical example in the knowledge clip, we want to prevent the knowledge presented in the study being lost and not applied in later practice, despite the fact that it boosts effective communication between doctor and patient or between doctors themselves.

The result

Eight knowledge clips are available about the core quadrant model, the Rose of Leary, the Gschema, the communication theory of Watzlawick,the Big 5 (personality traits), team compensation, the request for help and transfer and counter-transfer. In the clips, we have chosen practical examples, which form the basis for the explanation.

Students can easily re-watch the clips if necessary. Lecturers can also use them as a simple starting point when explaining and using the concepts in classes.

The clips are a way to make education more blended.

Want to use the knowledge clips too?

Consider the following points in the preparation:

  1. Talk to your Learning Innovation team. There are many possibilities in the studio and the DIY booths of the Education Lab.
  2. Start the clips with an interesting and familiar example that arouses interest and emphasises the relevance of the subject.
  3. Do you use 3D animations? Consider carefully what this should look like in an image and whether it is supportive of what you explain
  4. For students who like to read or listen to the text, you can make sure that the text is also available that way, although watching the clip remains of course the most instructive!

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