Development of animation videos (ESL)

  • Requester and project leader ESL: Maarten de Wilde

  • Animations: Moville

  • Project manager CLI: Johan Ong

Development of animation videos International and European tax law

For the year 3 bachelor course International and European tax law, (ESL), we want to start with creating five animations. The educational challenge we experience is knowledge heterogenity among students. This sometimes causes a situation where material needs to be studied that some students are already familiar with. We’re looking for a way to reduce this “pre-knowledge gap”. We’re also under the impression that we could use the scarce contact hours more efficiently.


The goal of this innovation is, on one hand, to use animations to reduce the heterogeneity in knowledge of students. On the other hand we aim to help students before their classroom sessions through handing them knowledge clips and digital content, which helps them enter the classroom with as much prior knowledge as possible. The time cleared at the classroom meetings would be utilized to dive deeper into the material and/or to make space for interaction and discussion. The final objective is to regularly launch new animations and knowledge clips through Canvas, and for example through an ESL Youtube Channel, to create a substantial and coherent body of digital education content.

Still animation ESL by Moville ESL animation still by Moville

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