What's the question?

In this teaching activity, students do not guess the answer to the question, but find the question that goes with the answer! Several options will come up, but what is the right question? Let students figure out and discuss why the answer and the question belong together.

Activity goal
Brainstorm | Exchange knowledge
In class
Offline | Online
< 10 minutes
Group size
Small | Medium

PowerPoint, paper or flashcards


Step 1

Think of a question and write the answer on a large piece of paper or on the PowerPoint. 

Step 2

You show the answer to the group of students and ask: "What is the question associated with this answer? 

Step 3

You can take the students' turn in plenary to share 'their question' and see if this is the question that goes with the answer. Yes can also have students discuss 'their questions' in smaller groups with each other. 

Step 4

Discuss with the students what the 'right' question is.

Variant 1

You can also make flashcards out of this so that students can do this in small groups with each other.

Variant 2

When doing this activity in small groups, you can also choose to give the pupil who had found 'the right question' the turn to come up with an answer this time, to which the group should then look again for the question associated with that answer.

Powerpoint, paper or flashcards

Consider the tools and materials mentioned here as suggestions. In many cases it’s possible to use alternative tools. Please turn to the Learning & Innovation team of your faculty first to see which online and offline tools are available and how to apply them.


Step 1

Think of a question and write the answer on your PowerPoint. Share your screen.

Step 2

You show the answer to the group of students and ask: "What is the question associated with this answer? 

Step 3

You can take the students' turn in plenary to share 'their question' and see if this is the question that goes with the answer. Or let student put the question in the chat (at the same time). You can also have students discuss 'their questions' in smaller groups with each other. For this use break out rooms. 

Step 4

Discuss with the students what the 'right' question is.

This activity can be conducted online via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Always use (generative) AI tools that are GDPR-compliant. Refer to the usage guidelines for Generative AI and the theme page about AI in education as well.

The Time Saver

The Time Saver

Let GenAI generate a few questions and answers that relate to the content of the course or class.  

See AI strategy 'The Time Saver' for more information and a step-by-step plan on how to apply this in practice. 

The Time Saver

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