AI in education

in collaboration with AI experts
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Generative AI can impact education in many ways. On this page, we share inspiration for using AI in your education in a responsible way. You will find five strategies with concrete step-by-step plans, practical examples, and teaching activities for designing more interactive education with the help of AI.


Robot in front of a laptop

How to use generative AI responsibly

Generative AI in education

There are many exciting developments happening in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). What implications does this have for education at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)? The Community for Learning & Innovation created a page where you will find an overview of relevant information and developments within our university. This information has been gathered from contributions by experts, users, and task forces. AI has been on everyone's mind for a while now, with developments following each other at lightning speed. For this reason, this page will be updated regularly.

We strongly recommend reviewing the page below first before using AI in your education. Also, please watch the video 'How to use generative AI responsibly'.

Read more about Generative AI in education

Practical AI strategies to boost your teaching

Explore five ways to use AI for teaching! Do you want to make your education more efficient, interactive, and insightful? This is an opportunity to use AI as an assistant in your classroom. These strategies will help you enhance your teaching experience, save time, better understand student needs and keep your students engaged. AI can simplify and improve your lesson activities, and empower you as an educator. 

Some of these AI strategies require student and/or course data. Therefore, always use (generative) AI tools that are GDPR-compliant. Refer to the usage guidelines for Generative AI as well.

Use the button below to request access to Erudite, a private GPT created by EUR. We will review your application and grand you access within a week.

The Group Analyser

Do you want a summary of the key insights or questions from a large group of students during your teaching session? ‘The Group Analyser’ uses AI to summarise and analyse student responses, helping you adjust your teaching on the spot.

The Fun Maker

Do you want students to get to know each other better and create a safe and inclusive learning environment? AI can assist in creating quick and enjoyable icebreaker activities or help you craft a story or metaphor to introduce a complex concept in an engaging way.

The Practice Partner

Do you recognise that a theoretical model on ‘how to give feedback’ can be easy to understand but difficult to apply? AI can help students practise their communication skills using speech function. After the conversation, they can ask AI for feedback.

The Sparring Partner

Do you want your students to think first, but use AI as well? Do you want them to experience that AI is not always ‘right’ and that its output needs to be evaluated critically? Let students use AI as a sparring partner, first creating a draft themselves and then checking their answers with AI.

The Time Saver

Do you want to save time while maintaining engaging, high-quality teaching materials? AI can help streamline your preparation! Upload your lecture or presentation, prompt your needs, and let AI create your cases, challenges, cartoon scenarios, quizzes, riddles, and more.

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