3-2-1 Reflection

At the end of your meeting, introduce the 3-2-1 activity. Students reflect on what they have learned by sharing three new things, naming two surprising insights and coming up with one concrete application for their new knowledge. Besides giving students insight into their learning, this also gives you a good idea of where students stand.

Activity goal
Recap / Summarize | Reflect
In class | Post class
Hybrid | Offline | Online
< 10 minutes
Group size
Small | Medium | Large

Paper, Mentimer, Padlet, Canvas quiz


Step 1

At the end of a meeting, introduce the 3-2-1 activity. 

Step 2

Think about how you want students to answer the questions (see tools and materials for tips).

Step 3

Have students answer the following questions:

  • 3 things you didn't know before
  • 2 things that surprised you about the topic
  • 1 thing you want to start doing with what you've learned

Step 4

Give students time to answer the questions. Make sure students put their names on the paper if you want to follow up on their responses or give individual feedback. Otherwise, do it anonymously. 

Step 5

Collect the answers before students leave the class.

Optional: if there is time left in the next lesson, you can discuss the students' reflections and share the key insights gained from the 3-2-1 answers.


You can use this as a form of an exit ticket! 

You can have them answer the questions on paper, which they physically hand in to you when they leave the room. Or use a post-it, which they have to stick on the door. You can also do it digitally, with tools such as Mentimeter, Padlet, Canvas quiz. The latter is more manageable with large groups.

Consider the tools and materials mentioned here as suggestions. In many cases it’s possible to use alternative tools. Please turn to the Learning & Innovation team of your faculty first to see which online and offline tools are available and how to apply them.

Always use (generative) AI tools that are GDPR-compliant. Refer to the usage guidelines for Generative AI and the theme page about AI in education as well.

The Group Analyzer

The Group Analyser

Let GenAI generate a summary of the points students provide in their 3-2-1. 

See AI strategy 'The Group Analyser' for more information and a step-by-step plan on how to apply this in practice. 

The Group Analyser

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