At the EUR, we support the LGBTQIA+ community. The abbreviation consists of terms that are used to describe people’s experiences of gender, sexuality or sexual orientation, and physiological sex characteristics: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual. The plus sign stands for the fact that this acronym is evolving and includes many more terms.
A more thorough explanation of gender can be found here.
Sexual orientation refers to our attraction (physical, romantic, and/or emotional) to people. This attraction can be towards people of the same or different genders. Some examples of sexual orientations are asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, or straight, but there are many more sexual orientations. Furthermore, sexual orientation can be fluid, meaning that it changes over time .
People with an intersex experience are also included within the LGBTQIA+ community. People with an intersex experience are born with sex characteristics that do not fit the typical binary idea of the male or female body. They often experience stigmatization, discrimination, and human rights violations.
As a whole, the LGBTQIA+ community faces unique and specific challenges, such as abuse, bullying, and implicit or explicit discrimination that require targeted and dedicated support.
The EUR is committed to make the university a safe space for both students and staff to express their sexuality in a way that feels fitting for them, without the fear of being excluded.
It is important to note that ideas about what it means to be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community are constantly evolving. We want everyone to be able to recognize themselves in the text above. If you do not feel this way, please contact us via ideacenter@eur.nl.
Internal Networks and Resources
These are relevant internal networks
External Networks and Resources
These are relevant external networks and resources concerning themes of sexual orientation
- COC: An interest group for LGBTI people in the Netherlands.
- Expreszo: Website for people up to 25 years old with news, chat options and articles.
- Gay and School: Website with practical information around sexual diversity in education. School boards, teachers and students can find information, education materials, book lists and policy information here.
- Homo en handicap: For gay people with a disability.
- Roze gebaar: For LHBT’s with hearing problems.
- Prisma Groep: Dutch organisation for bicultural and/or Muslim LGBTQI+ (incl. refugees).
- Mil Colores: For LBT woman of color (adults).
- Respect2Love: A community for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth with a bicultural background.
- Out&Abroad: The organisation for Chinese LGBTQIA+ in the Netherlands.
Faith Based
- Beit Ha’Chidush (BHC): A LGBT-friendly independent modern Jewish community for everyone with a Jewish background.
- Contrario: An association for Christian lesbians and homosexuals.
Movisie is a research institute for the social domain. They translate scientific research to practical policy advice. Their website is mostly in Dutch, but a nice source for information. They also offer an academy with modules to follow to learn more about how to support LGBT people. Here is an overview of some of their pieces on LGBT+ issues: