Gender is a social construct. It is based on norms, roles, and attributes. Because it is constructed by societies and cultures, the understanding of gender changes over time. Gender also refers to the way in which people identify both internally and how they express this externally. Gender identity relates to a person’s inner sense of belonging to a specific gender category, whereas gender expression relates to the way a person presents their gender to the outside world, for instance through clothing, hair-style, voice, or other characteristics[1].
There are many ways in which we can identify, such as non-binary, female, male, third gender, genderqueer, agender, two-spirit and many more. It is also possible to be genderfluid, which means that you have a gender identity that shifts over time or from day to day; to be gender non-conforming, which means that your gender identity and your gender expression do not match in a way that is in line with societal expectations; or to identify as transgender. Transgender is an umbrella term that means that you have a gender identity and/or gender expression that is different from cultural expectations based on the sex you were assigned at birth. If you are transgender you may describe yourself using any or more of the identities described above.
The EUR believes that everybody should feel free and safe to discover and express their gender in a way that feels good and appropriate for them, without fearing negative consequences. For example, it is important not to make any assumptions about the gender identity of the people around us, and to use the name and pronouns that a person indicates to have. Furthermore, EUR believes in fairness and justice in the distribution of benefits and responsibilities between all individuals, regardless of their gender.
The EUR understands the advancement of gender equality as removing the structural barriers and addressing the gendered norms and stereotypes that prevent students and staff from achieving a sense of safety and achieving their full potential.
Finally, it is important to note that ideas about the concept of gender are constantly evolving. We want everyone to be able to recognize themselves in the text above. If you do not feel this way, please contact us via ideacenter@eur.nl.
[1] The following guide to understanding gender and related concepts was developed by NPR with the help of several prominent centers and associations that represent (experience) experts in the field: https://www.npr.org/2021/06/02/996319297/gender-identity-pronouns-expression-guide-lgbtq