Experience has shown that students living and studying in Rotterdam spend approximately €1,000 a month. This amount is needed to cover daily expenses, etc.
Will you be able to cover the costs of multiple years of studying? Don't know? You definitely should! Make a financial plan that covers your entire study period
Working under the Flag of EUR Holding BV
EUR Holding BV (including all its subsidiary companies or LLCs) strives to instil a culture of integrity. The…
Confidential Counsellors and Complaints Committee within EUR Holding BV and its subsidiaries
It is not always easy to decide which action(s) to take when…
EUR Holding BV provides a Scientific Integrity Counsellor in the person of Professor Jack Vromen. He can be contacted at scientificintegrity-counsellor@holding…
We have three trimesters, starting in September, January, and April. The registration periods usually last about ten days. The exact dates of the registration…
Julian Monty, an exchange student tells about his experiences in the Netherlands. "The best piece of advice is to come on exchange. No matter who you are, where