
448 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • International Office
    The International Office is part of Education & Student Affairs and acts as the centre of expertise for international students and Dutch students going abroad.
  • Research Master in Philosophy and Economics
    The programme aims to prepare students for an academic career in philosophy and economics, and provides skills for careers in the private and public sector.
  • Urban Housing & Land Justice
    This programme focuses on understanding and evaluating the complex processes of providing and financing equitable access to land, adequate housing and urban ser
  • Urban Digital Transformation & Innovation
    This master track focuses on how digital innovation and transformation impact urban socio-economic development and governance.
  • Strategic Urban Planning & Policies
    The Strategic Urban Planning & Policies Master track teaches students how to create sustainable cities by managing socio-spatial dynamics.
  • Urban Environment, Sustainability & Climate Change
    The Urban Environment, Sustainability & Climate Change is a 1-year Master track in the MSc Urban Management and Development offered at IHS.
  • Erasmus Charity Run
    Each year, a team of students and staff members of Erasmus University Rotterdam participates in the Rotterdam Marathon to raise money for a good cause.
  • Philosophy
    Master in Philosophy: Where cutting-edge philosophical research meets the classroom, enabling our students to engage in contemporary philosophical debates.
  • Minors in AI, Data & Digitization in Delft, Leiden and Rotterdam
    Three AI minors will start in the 2022 – 2023 academic year, and will answer questions such as, "How do you best use AI for your research discipline?"...
  • Media & Creative Industries
    Trace, analyse, and address key developments and challenges in the media and creative industries during this innovative and international specialisation.

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