
447 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • Good practices & Challenges
    We would like to inspire you with a selection of Recognition & Rewards initiatives that take place at Erasmus University Rotterdam...
  • Philosophy (part-time)
    The MA Philosophy Now is the place where cutting edge philosophical research meets the classroom.
  • Prof. Jane Dutton honoured for injecting humanity into management research
    Professor Jane Dutton has been elected by Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) to receive an honorary doctorate from Erasmus University…
  • The Nairobi Urban Hub
    An interdisciplinary hub that seeks to accelerate resilience in informal settlements and beyond, by generating and sharing socially robust knowledge..
  • Examinations
    General information about examinations at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Location, starting-times, disciplinary rules.
  • Running to give the next generation of international students the opportunity to study at EUR
    Growing up in Vietnam, Mai Phuong Vu dreamed of studying abroad, but she knew the cost of fees and travel would make it impossible.
  • King to visit international students at Erasmus University
    Conference EP-Nuffic in Rotterdam
  • Erasmus Charity Run: give it all for charity
    The Erasmus Charity Run is a special part of the official Rotterdam Marathon #DEMOOISTE. Participants may run the 10.55-kilometre marathon or the 42.195
  • City of Rotterdam
    Rotterdam is in Erasmus University's DNA. Once founded by port barons, EUR has traditionally been closely linked to the city of Rotterdam.
  • Arts, Culture & Society
    Want to apply for the master specialisation in Arts, Culture & Society, but not sure if your prior education is sufficient? We offer a pre-master that prepares

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