Transdisciplinary Research

Uniting forces to understand complex societal issues
Langeveld Building - Students walking

Welcome to the dedicated page for transdisciplinary science at our university. As we face increasingly complex societal challenges, the need for a collaborative, integrative approach to research has never been more critical. Transdisciplinary science bridges disciplines to create holistic solutions, driving innovation and societal impact. By fostering collaboration across fields, we aim to address global issues such as climate change, artificial intelligence, and geopolitical tensions, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

“Concerns like climate change, artificial intelligence and geopolitical tensions have a disruptive force and affect our daily lives. They can and, most likely, will endanger our future and that of future generations.” - Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens 

Join the learning community

As a follow-up to the conference on Transdisciplinary Science at Erasmus University on 11 April, we aim to form a learning community with researchers, policymakers, innovation experts, and stakeholders. This registration will allow us to identify the specific interests of participants so we can organize the community accordingly. Together, we can shape the research landscape and create meaningful solutions to the world's most pressing problems. Please note that if there are too few registrations, we will interpret this as a lack of interest and will not proceed with the initiative. 

Registration form

What is your role? Contains required fields
Do you have experience with transdisciplinary work?
What motivates you to join our community? Select one or more motivations.

Erasmus University Rotterdam handles your information confidentially. Your data will only be used for purposes of the Learning community Transdisciplinary science. More information: Privacy Statement.

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Related activities

Reflections from the 11 April Event

On 11 April, nearly 100 scientists, policymakers, and innovation experts gathered at Erasmus University Rotterdam for the "Transition to Transdisciplinary Science: Solutions for Complex Societal Issues" conference. The event underscored the growing consensus on the importance of collaborative approaches to address complex global challenges. Keynotes from Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens and Eppo Bruins highlighted the need to integrate social sciences and humanities into scientific endeavors, emphasizing innovation and societal impact. 


Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens giving a presentation
Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens on transdisciplinary science

"Do not become entangled in debates over the distinction between fundamental and applied knowledge".

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Michiel van den Hout answering a question during a panel discussion
Michiel van den Hout of the Dutch Climate Research Initiative (KIN)

on balancing urgency, complexity, and collaboration in Dutch climate research.

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​Lotte Krabbenborg enjoying presenting about the collective knowledge development
​Lotte Krabbenborg on collective knowledge development:

exploratory research on transdisciplinarity in science.

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Julia Wittmayer presenting for a large group
Julia Wittmayer from the DIT platform

on institutional challenges for transdiscplinary researchers.

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Johnathan Subendran presenting
Johnathan Subendran: From knowledge to action

a transdisciplinary approach to bridge research and practice.

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Contact information

A smiling Marije Wassenaar

Marije Wassenaar

Business developer

For any questions or to connect, kindly reach out to Marije. 

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