About Smarter Choices of Better Health
Research and Education
Erasmus University Rotterdam aims to contribute to better health worldwide by promoting smarter choices. Since health and health care are complex themes, the Erasmus Initiative ‘Smarter Choices for Better Health’ will be making a targeted investment in long-term multidisciplinary research.
Challenge Accepted - Striving for better health and healthcare

Better health through smarter choices
Good health care is essential for a long and healthy life. A lot of progress has been made in recent decades, but many countries still face huge challenges when it comes to funding and delivering high quality health care. On average, health and life expectancy have improved, but there are big differences between and also within demographic groups. Lifestyle and preventive measures play an important role in this context.
Academics from the disciplines of health economics, behavioural economics, public health care and international health care are joining forces to make health care systems fairer and more effective with the existing financial resources. The results of this research will also be reflected in the curricula of Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus MC and Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.
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